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Resolutions passed by foreign residents in Antananarivo on the accession in 1883 of Ranavalona III
Resolutions passed by foreign residents in Antananarivo on the accession in 1883 o...

La Mort et les Coutumes Funéraires à Madagascar
La Mort et les Coutumes Funéraires à Madagascar [Death and Funerary Customs in M...

Cutting and bundling rice in Madagascar
Cutting and bundling rice in Madagascar

Wine Tourism: Africa in a bottle: Madagascar
Wine Tourism: Africa in a bottle: Madagascar: Telegraph Travel article (Saturday 2...

Soavinandriana landscape
Soavinandriana landscape

Cub Scouts parade
Cub Scouts parade: Main square, Soavinandriana

Madagascar: Guide des affaires / Wir tätigen Geschäfte in Madagaskar / Zaken doen in Madagascar
Madagascar: Guide des affaires / Wir tätigen Geschäfte in Madagaskar / Zaken doe...

Lumière: Hebdomadaire d'Information de Madagascar
Lumi̬re: Hebdomadaire d'Information de Madagascar: No. 1861 РDimanche 23 J...

Zebu being used to prepare rice paddies for planting
Zebu being used to prepare rice paddies for planting

Zoological specimens at the campsite
Zoological specimens at the campsite

Schoolboys going to half-yearly church meeting
Schoolboys going to half-yearly church meeting: Soavinandriana

Cinq Cents Francs
Cinq Cents Francs [Five Hundred Francs]

Lumière: Hebdomadaire d'Information de Madagascar
Lumi̬re: Hebdomadaire d'Information de Madagascar: No. 1882 РDimanche 18 J...

Deputy headteacher Monsieur Radan and his family
Deputy headteacher Monsieur Radan and his family: Friends School, Soavinandriana

Ny Gazety Fanavaozana
Ny Gazety Fanavaozana: No. 8 Taona Fahafito: Août 1959 [The Renewal Gazette: No. ...

The Orchids of Madagascar
The Orchids of Madagascar

Madagascar Mission News Sheet
Madagascar Mission News Sheet: No. 226: 1965 (1)

La Langue Malgache
La Langue Malgache: Enseignée suivant la méthode directe: Cours publics professÃ...

Introducing Madagascar
Introducing Madagascar

The Palms of Madagascar
The Palms of Madagascar

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