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Joan of Arc Day marakely parade
Joan of Arc Day marakely parade: Soavinandriana

Stephen Langford
Stephen Langford: Friends School, Soavinandriana

Scouts preparing for departure
Scouts preparing for departure: Ambositra

Sale after half-yearly church meeting
Sale after half-yearly church meeting: Soavinandriana

Examining a snake at the campsite
Examining a snake at the campsite

Scout camp patrol site
Scout camp patrol site: Ambositra

Joan of Arc Day celebration crowd
Joan of Arc Day celebration crowd: Soavinandriana

Rovan'i Manjakamiadana or the Queen's palace
Rovan'i Manjakamiadana or the Queen's palace: Antananarivo

Woods around Ambositra
Woods around Ambositra

Examining zoological specimens at the campsite
Examining zoological specimens at the campsite

Break time at the école normale [teacher training college]
Break time at the école normale [teacher training college]: Soavinandriana

Hills from Tamatave road
Hills from Tamatave road

Landscape south of Ambalavao
Landscape south of Ambalavao

Decorated car at Soavinandriana fair
Decorated car at Soavinandriana fair

Jeremy Langford with a mantis
Jeremy Langford with a mantis

Japanese planted rice
Japanese planted rice: Farm school, Soavinandriana

School marakely parade and teacher
School marakely parade and teacher: Analavory

Kilasimandry [boarding] boys
Kilasimandry [boarding] boys: Friends School, Soavinandriana

Bozy: Friends School, Soavinandriana

Coach stop southwest of Ihosy Ihosy
Coach stop southwest of Ihosy Ihosy

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