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Cub Scouts parade
Cub Scouts parade: Main square, Soavinandriana

Zoological specimens at the campsite
Zoological specimens at the campsite

Schoolboys going to half-yearly church meeting
Schoolboys going to half-yearly church meeting: Soavinandriana

Deputy headteacher Monsieur Radan and his family
Deputy headteacher Monsieur Radan and his family: Friends School, Soavinandriana

Cub Scouts compass game
Cub Scouts compass game: Soavinandriana

Textiles for sale, ny Zoma market
Textiles for sale, ny Zoma market: Antananarivo

Scouts at camp
Scouts at camp: Ambositra

Scout camp leaders eating rice
Scout camp leaders eating rice: Ambositra

Year 5 and their teacher Monsieur Abel
Year 5 and their teacher Monsieur Abel: Friends School, Soavinandriana

Tulear seafront
Tulear seafront

Deputé's house
Deputé's house: Soavinandriana

Taxi-brousses at Soavinandriana market
Taxi-brousses at Soavinandriana market

Les Chutes de la Lily waterfalls
Les Chutes de la Lily waterfalls

Crater lake
Crater lake: Soavinandriana

Waterway alongside railway near Tamatave
Waterway alongside railway near Tamatave

The chief's son's hut at sunrise
The chief's son's hut at sunrise: Analavory

Local women selling eggs at the campsite
Local women selling eggs at the campsite

Lac Itasy from the taxi-brousse
Lac Itasy from the taxi-brousse

Joan of Arc Day celebration crowd
Joan of Arc Day celebration crowd: Soavinandriana

Street scene with porter and nun
Street scene with porter and nun: Anjanahary, Antananarivo

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