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  • Showing items from library section: Papers & Articles: Natural History: Mammalogy

9. Le Vari / 10. Le Lémur Macaco
9. Le Vari / 10. Le Lémur Macaco [9. Black-and-white ruffed lemur / 10. Black lem...

Behavior and Diet of the Critically Endangered Eulemur cinereiceps in Manombo Forest, Southeast Madagascar
Behavior and Diet of the Critically Endangered Eulemur cinereiceps in Manom...

17. L'Indri / 18. L'Avahi
17. L'Indri / 18. L'Avahi [17. Indri / 18. Eastern woolly lemur]

15. Le Maque Bambou / 16. Le Maque Bambou
15. Le Maque Bambou / 16. Le Maque Bambou [15. Eastern lesser bamboo lemur / 16. G...

Understanding species-level primate diversity in Madagascar
Understanding species-level primate diversity in Madagascar

29. La Musaraigne / 30. Le Cryptoprocte
29. La Musaraigne / 30. Le Cryptoprocte [29. Asian house shrew / 30. Fossa]

The Alaotra Gentle Lemur: Population Estimation and Subsequent Implications
The Alaotra Gentle Lemur: Population Estimation and Subsequent Implications: [Shor...

35. Le Galidia / 36. L'Hemigalidia
35. Le Galidia / 36. L'Hemigalidia [35. Brown-tailed mongoose / 36. Brown-tailed m...

Suggested English names for Madagascar's species of Carnivora
Suggested English names for Madagascar's species of Carnivora

A conservation assessment of Rousettus madagascariensis (G. Grandidier, 1928, Pteropodidae) roosts in eastern Madagascar
A conservation assessment of Rousettus madagascariensis (G. Grandidier, 192...

47. La Rousette ou Grande Chauve-souris / 48. La Rousette ou Grande Chauve-souris
47. La Rousette ou Grande Chauve-souris / 48. La Rousette ou Grande Chauve-souris ...

19. Le Propithèque de Verreaux / 20. Le Propithèque à Diadème
19. Le Propithèque de Verreaux / 20. Le Propithèque à Diadème [19. Verreaux's ...

1. Le Microcebe / 2. Le Microcèbe de Coquerel
1. Le Microcebe / 2. Le Microcèbe de Coquerel [1. Grey mouse lemur / 2. Coquerel'...

5. Le Phaner / 6. Le Daubentonia
5. Le Phaner / 6. Le Daubentonia [5. Masoala fork-marked lemur / 6. Aye-aye]

33. Le Galidictis / 34. Le Galidia
33. Le Galidictis / 34. Le Galidia [33. Broad-striped Malagasy mongoose / 34. Ring...

Primary seed dispersal by the black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) in the Manombo forest, southeast Madagascar
Primary seed dispersal by the black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata
Survival of a wild ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) with abdominal trauma in an anthropogenically disturbed habitat
Survival of a wild ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) with abdominal trauma in...

39. La civette / 40. Le Rat noir
39. La civette / 40. Le Rat noir [39. Small Indian civet / 40. Black rat]

25. La Taupe / 26. La Taupe
25. La Taupe / 26. La Taupe [25. Mole-like rice tenrec / 26. Mole-like rice tenrec...

45. L'Éliurus / 46. La Souris
45. L'Éliurus / 46. La Souris [45. Dormouse tufted-tailed rat / 46. House mouse]

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