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  • Showing items from library section: Papers & Articles: Natural History: Conservation

Precious Trees Pay Off - But Who Pays?
Precious Trees Pay Off - But Who Pays?

Precious Trees Pay Off - But Who Pays? An Update
Precious Trees Pay Off - But Who Pays? An Update

Wasted efforts: why captivity is not the best way to conserve species
Wasted efforts: why captivity is not the best way to conserve species

Analyses de la dégradation du lac Kinkony pour la conservation du Complexe des Zones Humides Mahavavy - Kinkony, Région Boeny, Madagascar
Analyses de la dégradation du lac Kinkony pour la conservation du Complexe des Zo...

Protected area surface extension in Madagascar: Do endemism and threatened species remain useful criteria for site selection?
Protected area surface extension in Madagascar: Do endemism and threatened species...

Revisiting deforestation in Africa (1990–2010): One more lost generation
Revisiting deforestation in Africa (1990–2010): One more lost generation

The Crocodile Caves of Ankarana
The Crocodile Caves of Ankarana: Expedition to Northern Madagascar, 1986

Communautés Locales et Gibiers dans la Région de Daraina, Extrême Nord-Est de Madagascar
Communautés Locales et Gibiers dans la Région de Daraina, Extrême Nord-Est de M...

Independent Forest Monitoring Madagascar
Independent Forest Monitoring Madagascar

The Madagascar Rosewood Massacre
The Madagascar Rosewood Massacre

REDD Comes into Fashion in Madagascar
REDD Comes into Fashion in Madagascar

Travelling through time - Voyage dans le temps: Alison Jolly and Hantanirina Rasamimanana: The story of a friendship
Travelling through time - Voyage dans le temps: Alison Jolly and Hantanirina Rasam...

Saving the Tsingy Forests in Madagascar
Saving the Tsingy Forests in Madagascar: Article from

The Importance of Keeping the Island's Vertebrate Fossils in the Public Domain
The Importance of Keeping the Island's Vertebrate Fossils in the Public Domain: [P...

Étude de la sociologie des exploitants de bois de rose malgaches
Étude de la sociologie des exploitants de bois de rose malgaches

Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar
Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar

Logging of Rare Rosewood and Palisandre (Dalbergia spp.) within Marojejy National Park, Madagascar
Logging of Rare Rosewood and Palisandre (Dalbergia spp.) within Marojejy Na...

Conservation in Times of Political Turmoil – the Madagascar Fauna Group Perspective
Conservation in Times of Political Turmoil – the Madagascar Fauna Group Pers...

Taboos and Social Contracts: Tools for Ecosystem Management – Lessons from the Manambolomaty Lakes RAMSAR Site, Western Madagascar
Taboos and Social Contracts: Tools for Ecosystem Management – Lessons from t...

Cave Science: Transactions of British Cave Research Association
Cave Science: Transactions of British Cave Research Association: Vol. 12; No. 4; S...

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