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  • Listing category Fauna > Madagascar > Mammals

Ringtailed Lemur Biology
Ringtailed Lemur Biology: Lemur catta in Madagascar

BBC Wildlife
BBC Wildlife: February 1997, Volume 15, Number 2

Faune Malgache
Faune Malgache [Malagasy Fauna]

To the Island of the Aye-Aye
To the Island of the Aye-Aye: with World Acclaimed author and naturalist Gerald Du...

Lords and Lemurs
Lords and Lemurs: Mad Scientists, Kings with Spears, and the Survival of Diversity...

Lemurs of the Lost World
Lemurs of the Lost World: Exploring the forests and Crocodile Caves of Madagascar

Lemur varius: 4-Franc Postage Stamp
Lemur varius: 4-Franc Postage Stamp

Lemurs of Madagascar: Diurnal & Cathemeral Lemurs
Lemurs of Madagascar: Diurnal & Cathemeral Lemurs: Pocket Identification Guide

Lemur News
Lemur News: The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN SSC Primate Speci...

Lemur News
Lemur News: The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN SSC Primate Speci...

Lemur catta mother & baby with baobab
Lemur catta mother & baby with baobab: Kinder Surprise Egg: Natoons series

BBC Wildlife
BBC Wildlife: December 2007, Volume 25, Number 13

The Penny Magazine
The Penny Magazine: 423: November 3, 1838

31. La Genette fossane / 32. Le Galidictis Strié
31. La Genette fossane / 32. Le Galidictis Strié [31. Malagasy civet / 32. Broad-...

Nectarivory by Endemic Malagasy Fruit Bats During the Dry Season
Nectarivory by Endemic Malagasy Fruit Bats During the Dry Season

BBC Wildlife
BBC Wildlife: September 1987, Volume 5, Number 9

BBC Wildlife
BBC Wildlife: January 2013, Volume 31, Number 1

In Search of Lemurs
In Search of Lemurs: My Days and Nights in a Madagascar Rainforest

7. Le Lepilemur / 8. Le Lepilemur à Queue Rouge
7. Le Lepilemur / 8. Le Lepilemur à Queue Rouge [7. Weasel sportive lemur / 8. Re...

BBC Wildlife
BBC Wildlife: June 1984, Volume 2, Number 6

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