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  • Listing category Agriculture > Madagascar

Madagasacar: À Travers ses Provinces: Aspect Géographique, Historique, Touristiq...

Zebu and Ravenala: 1-Centime Postage Stamp
Zebu and Ravenala: 1-Centime Postage Stamp

Zebu and Herdsman: 1-Centime Postage Stamp
Zebu and Herdsman: 1-Centime Postage Stamp

Rice: 10-Franc Postage Stamp
Rice: 10-Franc Postage Stamp

Cent Francs
Cent Francs [One Hundred Francs]

Zebu and Ravenala: 20-Centime Postage Stamp with 5-Centime Surcharge
Zebu and Ravenala: 20-Centime Postage Stamp with 5-Centime Surcharge

Madagascar: Déquipage du Riz
Madagascar: Déquipage du Riz

Secrets de Vanille
Secrets de Vanille [Secrets of Vanilla]

Vintsy: Journal Malgache d'Orientation Ecologique
Vintsy: Journal Malgache d'Orientation Ecologique: No. 1 (Avril 1991) [Vintsy: Mal...

Dix Francs
Dix Francs [Ten Francs]

Zebu and Herdsman: 1-Centime Postage Stamp with 0.05-Franc and 0.50-Franc Surcharges
Zebu and Herdsman: 1-Centime Postage Stamp with 0.05-Franc and 0.50-Franc Surcharg...

50th Anniversary of the Annexation of Madagascar by France: 10+5-Franc Postage Stamp
50th Anniversary of the Annexation of Madagascar by France: 10+5-Franc Postage Sta...

Cutting and bundling rice in Madagascar
Cutting and bundling rice in Madagascar

Zebu and Ravenala: 4-Centime Postage Stamp
Zebu and Ravenala: 4-Centime Postage Stamp

Zebu being used to prepare rice paddies for planting
Zebu being used to prepare rice paddies for planting

Litchis: 10-Franc (2-Ariary) Postage Stamp
Litchis: 10-Franc (2-Ariary) Postage Stamp

Le culture du riz à Madagascar: III. L'arrachage des plants de riz
Le culture du riz à Madagascar: III. L'arrachage des plants de riz [The cultivati...

Zebu Cattle
Zebu Cattle

Wooden Vanilla Box
Wooden Vanilla Box: with Marquetry Decoration

Rice and Madagascar: 900-Franc (180-Ariary) Postage Stamp
Rice and Madagascar: 900-Franc (180-Ariary) Postage Stamp

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