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  • Showing items from library section: Papers & Articles: Natural History: Aquatic Life

Aqua: Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology
Aqua: Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology: Vol. 1(3), December 1994

The Alcyonacea (soft corals and sea fans) of Antsiranana Bay, northern Madagascar
The Alcyonacea (soft corals and sea fans) of Antsiranana Bay, northern Madagascar

Establishment of a Community Managed Marine Reserve in the Bay of Ranobe, Southwest Madagascar
Establishment of a Community Managed Marine Reserve in the Bay of Ranobe, Southwes...

Conservation and Ecology of a New Blind Fish Glossogobius ankaranensis from the Ankárana Caves, Madagascar
Conservation and Ecology of a New Blind Fish Glossogobius ankaranensis from...

Participatory assessment of the Toliara Bay reef fishery, southwest Madagascar
Participatory assessment of the Toliara Bay reef fishery, southwest Madagascar

Preliminary fish survey of Lac Tseny in northwestern Madagascar
Preliminary fish survey of Lac Tseny in northwestern Madagascar

Understanding local differences in small-scale fisheries: a comparison of two fishing settlements in Antsiranana Bay, northern Madagascar
Understanding local differences in small-scale fisheries: a comparison of two fish...

Three Women engaged in the Blue Ventures Conservation Velondriake Community Project
Three Women engaged in the Blue Ventures Conservation Velondriake Community Projec...

A survey of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) of Antsiranana Bay, northern Madagascar
A survey of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) of Antsiranana Bay, northern Madagascar

'To live with the Sea' Development of the Velondriake Community-managed Protected Area Network, Southwest Madagascar
'To live with the Sea' Development of the Velondriake Community-managed Protected ...

Out of sight but no longer out of mind: a climate of change for marine conservation in Madagascar
Out of sight but no longer out of mind: a climate of change for marine conservatio...

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