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  • Showing items from library section: Book Leaves

Aye-Aye: Dictionnaire pittoresque d'histoire naturelle et des phénomènes de la n...

The Penny Magazine
The Penny Magazine: 423: November 3, 1838

Views in Madagascar: Antananarivo from Lake Anosi
Views in Madagascar: Antananarivo from Lake Anosi: The Illustrated London News, Ma...

Malagasy woman on a visit to her hairdresser
Malagasy woman on a visit to her hairdresser: Lands and Peoples of the World, Vol ...

1 l'Aye-Aye, 2. Le Ouistiti, 3. Le Papion
1 l'Aye-Aye, 2. Le Ouistiti, 3. Le Papion: Nouvelle galerie d'histoire naturelle: ...

Skull of Red Lemur & Brain of Red Lemur
Skull of Red Lemur & Brain of Red Lemur: Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mammal...

Plate VII: The Red-Ruffed Lemur
Plate VII: The Red-Ruffed Lemur: Lloyd's Natural History: A handbook to the primat...

The aye-aye (1/9 nat. size)
The aye-aye (1/9 nat. size): The Royal Natural History, 1893

Madagascar Shrew
Madagascar Shrew: Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mammalia, vol 1

Voyage en Filanzane / Village Sakalave
Voyage en Filanzane / Village Sakalave: Album National: France, Algérie, Colonies...

The Woolly Lemur (Lemur Laniger)
The Woolly Lemur (Lemur Laniger): Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mammal...

The Madagascar and Other Bats
The Madagascar and Other Bats: Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mammalia, vol 1

The aye-aye, recently added to the Zoological Society's collection, Regent's Park
The aye-aye, recently added to the Zoological Society's collection, Regent's Park:...

Grand de Madagascar
Grand de Madagascar: Description de L'Univers, 1683 [A Noble of Madagascar]

Plate XI: Coquerel's Sifaka
Plate XI: Coquerel's Sifaka: Lloyd's Natural History: A handbook to the primates, ...

Natives Gambling / A Native Dance, Tananarivo
Natives Gambling / A Native Dance, Tananarivo: Customs of the World, 1900

Black-Fronted Lemur & White-Fronted Lemur
Black-Fronted Lemur & White-Fronted Lemur: Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mamm...

The Aye-Aye
The Aye-Aye: Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mammalia, vol 1

Short-Tailed Indris
Short-Tailed Indris: Cassell's Popular Natural History: Mammalia, vol 1

Teeth of Red Lemur & Hand of Red Lemur, Seen from Beneath
Teeth of Red Lemur & Hand of Red Lemur, Seen from Beneath: Cassell's Popular Natur...

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