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The Guardian
The Guardian: Thursday 10 December 2020

Obituaries: Alison Jolly
Obituaries: Alison Jolly: Primatologist and conservationist known for her research...

The Sun
The Sun: Friday, August 2, 2019

Madagascar's frogs attain life after debt
Madagascar's frogs attain life after debt: Financial Times, 19 October 1995

International News: Waiting for a drop of rain in an ocean of drought
International News: Waiting for a drop of rain in an ocean of drought: The Guardia...

Daily Mirror
Daily Mirror: Thursday, August 1, 2019

Wine Tourism: Africa in a bottle: Madagascar
Wine Tourism: Africa in a bottle: Madagascar: Telegraph Travel article (Saturday 2...

How Spear-Waving Samaritans Saved me from Bandits
How Spear-Waving Samaritans Saved me from Bandits: Daily Mail Article (Saturday 20...

Mucking about in Madagascan mud
Mucking about in Madagascan mud: Weekend Telegraph, Saturday 17 June 1989

Foreign News: Madagascar famine puts a million at risk
Foreign News: Madagascar famine puts a million at risk: The Daily Telegraph, 17 Ju...

The Guardian
The Guardian: Friday 2 February 2018

The man who died for treasure island
The man who died for treasure island: The Times, Monday 6 February 1995

The Guardian
The Guardian: Monday 7 December 2020

Daily Mail
Daily Mail: Thursday, August 1, 2019

Mad on the outside, wild at heart
Mad on the outside, wild at heart: The Independent on Sunday Travel, 28 April 1991

Gems Rush Destroys Madagascar's Green Paradise
Gems Rush Destroys Madagascar's Green Paradise: The Independent Article (Friday 3 ...

Happy with Larry
Happy with Larry: The Sunday Telegraph Review, 21 April 1991

Daily Express
Daily Express: Thursday, August 1, 2019

Daily Star
Daily Star: Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Guardian
The Guardian: Thursday 1 August 2019

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