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  • Listing category Art > Malagasy > Painting

Femme Betsimisaraka
Femme Betsimisaraka [Betsimisaraka Woman]

Femme Betsileo
Femme Betsileo [Betsileo Woman]

Porter with Carrying Pole
Porter with Carrying Pole

Jejy Voatavo Player
Jejy Voatavo Player

Jeune Femme Bezanozano (Moramanga)
Jeune Femme Bezanozano (Moramanga) [Young Bezanozano Woman (Moramanga)]

Woman Carrying a Child in her Lamba
Woman Carrying a Child in her Lamba

Transport by Filanjana
Transport by Filanjana: (a traditional Malagasy open litter, sedan chair, or palan...

Woman Playing Valiha
Woman Playing Valiha

Woman in Fine Clothes
Woman in Fine Clothes

La Peinture Malgache
La Peinture Malgache: Des origines à 1940 [Malagasy Painting: From its origins to...

Type Antaisaka
Type Antaisaka [Antaisaka Type]

Type Betsileo
Type Betsileo [Betsileo Type]


Jeune Fille Hova (Imerina)
Jeune Fille Hova (Imerina) [Young Hova Girl (Imerina)]

Woman Breastfeeding a Child
Woman Breastfeeding a Child

Type Hova
Type Hova [Hova Type]

Village Scene
Village Scene

Woman Pounding Rice
Woman Pounding Rice

Hair Styling
Hair Styling

Woman Weaving on a Loom
Woman Weaving on a Loom

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