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Ny Baiboly: Ny soratra masina dia ny Testamenta Taloha sy ny Testamenta Vaovao
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Language: Malagasy
No. of Pages: 964 + 290

Item Identification Code (UID#): 4949
Shelving Location: Religion & Missionary
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Ny Baiboly

Ny soratra masina dia ny Testamenta Taloha sy ny Testamenta Vaovao

[The Bible: the holy scripture of the Old Testament and the New Testament]
The British and Foreign Bible Society, London (1950).
Hardcover Book


  • Ny Testamenta Taloha [The Old Testament]
    • Ny Anaran’ ny Boky sy ny Isan’ ny Tokony Avy [The Names of the Books and their Numbers of Verses]
    • Genesisy, na Fiandohana [Genesis, or the Beginning]
    • Eksodosy, na Fahafahana [Exodus, or the Freedom]
    • Levitikosy, na Fisoronana [Leviticus, or the Laws]
    • Nomery, na Fanisana [Numbers, or the Counting]
    • Deoteronomia, na Famerenan-Teny [Deuteronomy, or the Words]
    • Josoa [Joshua]
    • Mpitsara [Judges]
    • Rota [Ruth]
    • Samoela I [Samuel I]
    • Samoela II [Samuel II]
    • Mpanjaka I [Kings I]
    • Mpanjaka II [Kings II]
    • Tantara I [Chronicles I]
    • Tantara II [Chronicles II]
    • Ezra [Esdras]
    • Nehemia [Nehemiah]
    • Estera [Esther]
    • Joba [Book of Job]
    • Salamo [Psalms]
    • Ohabolana [Proverbs]
    • Mpitoriteny [Preachers]
    • Tonon-Kiran’ I Solomona [Song of Solomen]
    • Isaia [Isaiah]
    • Jeremia [Jeremiah]
    • Fitomaniana [Lamentations]
    • Ezekiela [Ezekiel]
    • Daniela [Daniel]
    • Hosea [Hosea]
    • Joela [Joel]
    • Amosa [Amos]
    • Obadia [Obadiah]
    • Jona [Jonah]
    • Mika [Micah]
    • Nahoma [Nahum]
    • Habakoka [Habakkuk]
    • Zefania [Zephaniah]
    • Hagay [Haggai]
    • Zakaria [Zechariah]
    • Malakia [Malachi]
  • Ny Testamenta Vaovao [The New Testament]
    • Ny Anaran’ ny Boky sy ny Isan’ ny Tokony Avy [The Names of the Books and their Numbers of Verses]
    • Matio [Matthew]
    • Marka [Mark]
    • Lioka [Luke]
    • Joana [John]
    • Asan'ny Apostoly [Work of the Apostles]
    • Romana [Romans]
    • Korintiana I [Corinthians I]
    • Korintiana II [Corinthians II]
    • Galatiana [Galatians]
    • Efesiana [Ephesians]
    • Filipiana [Philippians]
    • Kolosiana [Colossians]
    • Tesaloniana I [Thessalonians I]
    • Tesaloniana II [Thessalonians II]
    • Timoty I [Timothy I]
    • Timoty II [Timothy II]
    • Titosy [Titus]
    • Filemona [Philemon]
    • Hebreo [Hebrews]
    • Jakoba [Jacob]
    • Petera I [Peter I]
    • Petera II [Peter II]
    • Joana I [John I]
    • Joana II [John II]
    • Joana III [John III]
    • Joda [Jude]
    • Apokalypsy, na fanambarana [Apocalypse, or the revelation]


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