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Writer/Performer: Marie Olga Sohantenaina. |
Languages: Malagasy, Italian, and English |
Dimensions: 142mm x 125mm x 10mm |
Running Time: 42 minutes |
Item Identification Code (UID#): 1897 |
Shelving Location: Multimedia |
Estimated Value: £10.00 |
Price Paid: Log In to view this |
Bois de Rose
Olga del Madagascar
MOS Pro (2012).
Audio CD
Text from the Inside Sleeve
Sono nata e cresciuta in Madagascar, uno dei luoghi più belli del mondo, con un bellissimo popolo, mari da sogno, foreste pluviali e montagne incantate come il Marojejy e l'Anjanaharibe-Sud. Per tanto tempo, purtroppo, non ho capito esattamente che cosa fosse la deforestazione. Ho sempre pensato che it taglio delle foreste non provocasse ferite irreparabili. Finché non ho visto i tronchi del "bois de rose" sanguinare sotto i colpi delle accette. E ho pianto. Ora dico basta. Combatterò per sempre affinché le nostre foreste magiche possano rimanere intatte. Le canzoni di questo album vogliono trasmettere it mio dolore e sono dedicate al mio popolo e alle nostre foreste, affinché non soffrano più e possano vivere l'uno accanto alle altre.
I was born in Madagascar, one of the most beautiful places in the World, with a beautiful people, dream seas, wonderful rainforests and enchanted mountains, like the Marojejy and Anjanaharibe-Sud. For long time, unfortunately, I did not understand perfectly what the deforestation was. I always thought that the forest-logging did not cause irreparable injury. Until the moment I saw the rosewood trunks bleeding under the blows of the axes. And I cried. Now I say stop. I will fight forever to maintain intact our magical forests. The songs on this album want to transmit my sorrow and are dedicated to my people and our forests, so they do not suffer anymore and can live together.
Olga del Madagascar
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This item was kindly donated to the Madagascar Library collection by Franco Andreone.
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